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(Centos 6)
(221 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
==Welcome to Ramblings of a Tech Ninja==
==Welcome to Ramblings of a Centos Ninja==
[[File:Centos-logo.png|100px|frameless|right|alt=Centos How-Tos]]
===Centos 7===
--> [[Install Remi and EPEL yum repo Centos 7]]
--> [[Install Mysql Database Centos 7]]
--> [[Install Apache Web Server Centos 7]]
--> [[Install PHP/PHP-FPM 5.4 Centos 7]]
--> [[Install (LAMP) Linux Apache MySQL and PHP Centos 7]]
--> [[Install Redis on Centos 7 How To]]
--> [[How To Configure SWAP on Centos 7]]
--> [[How to find user memory usage in linux]]
--> [[How to Configure letsencrypt with Apache on Centos 7 Server]]
--> [[How to configure Gmail as a Mail Relay with Postfix]]
--> [[How use GeoIP on the command line Centos7]]
--> [[Protecting Folders with .htpasswd/.htaccess]]
--> [[Linux setfacl command]]
--> [[How to disable SSH timeout]]  [[File:New.jpg|35px|frameless]]
--> [[How to Install Squid Proxy Server on Cento7]]  [[File:New.jpg|35px|frameless]]
--> [[How To Use Systemctl to Manage Systemd Services]]
===Centos 6===
===Centos 6===
  --> [[Change Runlevel]]
  --> [[Change Runlevel]]
  --> [[Check Current Runlevel]]
  --> [[Check Current Runlevel]]
  --> [[Change Run Level at Bootup]]
  --> [[Change Run Level at Bootup]]
--> [[How to change the Hostname on Centos]]
  --> [[chkconfig settings]]
  --> [[chkconfig settings]]
  --> [[How to extract a tar.gz file]]
  --> [[How to extract a tar.gz file]]
Line 12: Line 31:
  --> [[Quit Bash Shell without Saving Bash History]]
  --> [[Quit Bash Shell without Saving Bash History]]
  --> [[Change the Timezone Centos]]
  --> [[Change the Timezone Centos]]
--> [[Check the Version of Package]]
--> [[How to install Sphinx on Centos Server]]
--> [[How to install Redis on a Centos 6.4 Server]]
--> [[Basic Redis commands - Cheat Sheet]]
--> [[Adding a New Disk Drive with Centos]]
--> [[Creating Backups using rsync with Examples]]
--> [[Expand your bash_history to 2500]]
--> [[Setup logrotate to rotate your logs]]
--> [[GPG: Encrypt And Decrypt Files With A Password]]
--> [[Install Remi and EPEL yum repo]]
--> [[Install NewRelic on Centos6]]
--> [[Setting Up An NFS Server And Client On CentOS 6]]
--> [[Sar is not working how to restart]]
--> [[Batch jpeg Image Optimization]]
--> [[Howto Block or Open HTTP/HTTPs Ports IPTables]]
--> [[Reset Root Password in CentOS]]
--> [[Setup vsftp with SELinux]]
--> [[Howto Setup NTP on CentOS]]
--> [[Fix corrupted RPM database]]
--> [[Crontab Usage]]
--> [[Make an ISO from a Folder with mkisofs]]
--> [[How to setup a VPN server with CentOS PPTPD]]
--> [[APF Firewall -Advanced Policy Firewall - Basics]]
--> [[How to Block Bittorrent Traffic with IPtables]]
--> [[How to find user memory usage in linux]]
--> [[How to install ccsrch on Centos 6]]
--> [[How to install jpegoptim for CentOS]]
--> [[How to install optipng for CentOS]]
--> [[How to install gifsicle for CentOS]]
--> [[How to install jpegtran for CentOS]]
--> [[IPTABLES quick command list]]
--> [[Linux setfacl command]]
--> [[Postfix Mail Queue Commands for Reviewing Emails]]
[[File:Magentos.jpg|100px|frameless|right|alt=Magento How To's]]
===Magento Community Edition/Magento Enterprise Edition===
===Magento Community Edition/Magento Enterprise Edition===
Line 26: Line 80:
  --> [[Setting up the System Cron Job]]
  --> [[Setting up the System Cron Job]]
  --> [[Magento Connect is not Working]]
  --> [[Magento Connect is not Working]]
--> [[Changing the Minimum Search Query - MySQL Full Text Only]]
--> [[Install Redis Caching for Magento]]
--> [[Install Redis Full Page Caching for Magento Enterprise]]
--> [[Setting up a Second Instance of Redis]]
--> [[Magento Setup Return-Path Email]]
--> [[Magento Server Compatibility Check]]
--> [[Magento Database Optimization - Log Cleaning Script]]
--> [[Magento Site Performance Optimization]]
--> [[Magento Log Rotate with logrotate]]
--> [[How to use CDN with Webfonts with Magento]]
--> [[How to Disable Magento Newsletter Module]]
--> [[Magento : Execute Custom Module Cron Manually]]
[[File:Magentos.jpg|100px|frameless|right|alt=Magento2 How To's]]
===Magento 2 Community Edition===
--> [[Upgrade Magento2 via CLI]]
--> [[Enable/Disable Magento2 Maintenance Page]]
--> [[How to set Magento 2 permissions and avoid installation errors]]
--> [[How to speed up Magento 2 out of the box]]
--> [[How to Change Magento 2 mode]]
--> [[How to Enable Disable Magento 2 caches]]
--> [[Magento 2 How to Add Alternative HTTP headers]]
--> [[Magento 2 Purge Varnish Cache]]
--> [[Magento 2 Redis Page Cache and Default Cache Example]]
--> [[Magento 2 How to check Magento Version]]
--> [[Magento 2 Reindex Error: Index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping]]
--> [[Magento 2 Reindex via the CLI]]
--> [[Magento 2 Custom 503 Maintenance page]]
[[File:Memcahed.jpg|100px|frameless|right|alt=Memcache Caching]]
===Memcached Server===
===Memcached Server===
Line 32: Line 117:
  --> [[Check if Memcached is Running]]
  --> [[Check if Memcached is Running]]
  --> [[Flush Your Memcached Instance]]
  --> [[Flush Your Memcached Instance]]
--> [[Check Memory Usage of Memcached]]
--> [[Memcache running out of Memory?]]
--> [[Memcached List all Keys]]
[[File:Apachelogo.gif|100px|right|alt=Apache How Tos]]
--> [[Deny access to my site with an .htaccess file]]
--> [[Redirect site to www or non www]]
--> [[Restrict POST request to Website]]
--> [[Install Tomcat6 Server on Centos 6]]
  --> [[How to setup an SSL Certificate for Free]]
  --> [[How to setup an SSL Certificate for Free]]
--> [[Enable Apache to Create Core Dumps]]
--> [[Enable php-fpm to create core dumps]]
--> [[Debug PHP Enabling slow_log]]
--> [[Block Bots by User Agent String]]
--> [[Install mod_extact_forward - Show Real IP behind Proxy]]
--> [[Install ionCube Loaders for Centos]]
--> [[Install Zend Guard with PHP 5.3 on Centos]]
--> [[Install Zend Guard 6.0 with PHP 5.4 on Centos]]
--> [[Disable Mod_Security for a single vhost]]
--> [[Hide PHP Version(X-Powered-By) in Headers]]
--> [[Sessions are ending before MaxLifetime]]
--> [[Apache mod_speling case insensitive urls issue]]
--> [[Restrict access via htaccess via ipaddress]]
--> [[Howto install mod_evasive with fail2ban]]
--> [[Install the Latest version PHP on CentOS]]
--> [[How to bypass .htpasswd for certain IPs Apache]]
--> [[Clear mod_pagespeed cache ]]
--> [[Install GeoIP for Apache and PHP]]
--> [[How to block or allow countries using GeoIP and .htaccess]]
--> [[How to disable mod_security per vhost]]
--> [[Force HTTPS for entire website via htaccess]]
--> [[Restrict Access to wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php]]
--> [[The X-Frame-Options response header]]
--> [[Install Xdebug with php-fpm per pool]]
--> [[How to Enable Gzip Compression]]
--> [[Enable Apache rewrite logging]]
--> [[Protecting Folders with .htpasswd/.htaccess]]
--> [[How to Disable PHP Execution in Certain Directories]]
--> [[Directory listing in htaccess. Allow, Deny, Disable, Enable Directory Listing in .htaccess]]
--> [[What is the Cache-Control Header]]
--> [[How do I block a host by ASN for apache - Example]]
[[File:Haproxy.png|100px|frameless|right|alt=Mysql Percona]]
--> [[What is HAProxy]]
--> [[HAProxy vs Nginx]]
--> [[HAProxy Load Balancing]]
--> [[HAProxy Cluster Setup Example]]
--> [[HAProxy Docker]]
--> [[HAProxy with Varnish SSL Termination Example]]
--> [[HAProxy http2]]
--> [[HAProxy GUI]]
--> [[HAProxy Install on Centos7]]
--> [[HAProxy Cloud Load Balancer]]
--> [[HAProxy Block by User-Agent]]
--> [[HAProxy Restrict by IP Address]]
--> [[HAProxy Redirect domain to another domain]]
--> [[HAProxy Rate-Limiting Example]]
[[File:Logo percona server new.png|100px|frameless|right|alt=Mysql Percona]]
--> [[How to Optimize/Repair a Table]]
--> [[MySQL - Check Which Query is Consuming Resources]]
--> [[How to Set your MySQL Password]]
--> [[Rest your MySQL Admin Password]]
--> [[How to Convert Table to InnoDB]]
--> [[How to install Percona Database Server]]
--> [[How to Access the MySQL via Shell]]
--> [[How to Add a User in MySQL]]
--> [[How to Drop a User in MySQL]]
--> [[How to Create and Delete a MySQL Database]]
--> [[How to Create a Table in MySQL Database]]
--> [[How to Create a MySQL Database Backup]]
--> [[How to Import a MySQL Database]]
--> [[How to update the max_connections setting in MySQL]]
--> [[How to view a list of MySQL users and their privileges]]
--> [[Save MySQL query results into a text or CSV file]]
--> [[How to optimize a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin]]
--> [[How to solve MySQL max_user_connections error]]
--> [[How to enable Show Engine Innodb Status]]
--> [[Access mysql/mysqldump without password entry each time - Using .my.cnf]]
[[File:Varnish-cache-log.jpeg|100px|frameless|right|alt=Varnish How tos]]
===Varnish Cache===
--> [[Setup Varnish Cache]]
--> [[Setup Varnish for Magento]]
--> [[Setup Varnish for Wordpress]]
--> [[Setup Varnish for MediaWiki]]
--> [[Setup Varnish - Multiple Domains]]
--> [[Setup Varnish - Multiple Ipaddress]]
--> [[Script to Clear a Page from Varnish Cache]]
--> [[Varnish will not restart WHY?]]
--> [[Warm up Varnish Script using Sitemap.xml]]
--> [[Varnish How to redirect non-www URLs to www]]
--> [[Install libvmod-header with Varnish]]
[[File:Nginx-logo.png|100px|frameless|right|Install Nginx|alt=Nginx How tos]]
===Nginx Web Server===
--> [[Setup Nginx PHP FPM Percona Mysql]]
--> [[Wordpress Ngnix Rewrite Rules]]
--> [[Setup up Nginx Caching]]
--> [[Nginx Magento vhost Configuration]]
--> [[Basic HTTP Authentication with Nginx]]
--> [[Protecting Folders with Nginx]]
--> [[403 Forbidden Error Nginx - How to Solve]]
[[File:Sword-of-Omens-Sword1.png|100px|frameless|right|alt=Brian Nelson]]
  --> [[How to install Sphinx on Centos Server]]
--> [[How to add trusted root certificates]]
  --> [[How to install Redis on a Centos 6.4 Server]]
--> [[Find:_10_Useful_Examples_of_Find]]
--> [[Send email from PHP to a log file instead of sendmail]]
--> [[Debugging Wordpress]]
  --> [[How to install Linux via USB]]
--> [[Network Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet]]
--> [[Linux Keyboard Shortcuts]]
--> [[Setup a SSH Tunnel for Secure Browsing]]
--> [[Install OpenSSH on Windows]]
--> [[Install Qmail on a Fresh Centos Server]]
  --> [[Setup Qmail to Listen on port 587 for SMTP]]
--> [[Qmail catch-all account with vpopmail]]
--> [[Setup Incoming Email Pipe to Script for Qmail]]
--> [[Qmail Control Files]]
--> [[Install qmqtool for Qmail on Centos Server]]
--> [[Rest Email Password for vpopmail]]
--> [[How to check Used IP on your Home Network]]
--> [[How to find GMAIL IPs to allow at Firewall]]
--> [[Useful TCPDUMP commands]]
--> [[Remove Email Block Lists]]
--> [[How to disable qmail vpopmail email user]]
--> [[Git Cheat Sheet - Git made easy]]
--> [[Top Chmod Command Examples for Beginners]]
--> [[Benchmarking and Load Testing with Siege]]
--> [[Benchmarking and Load Testing with Apache Bench(AB)]]
--> [[How do I find out more about socket files in /proc/fd]]
--> [[How to Disable the wp-cron.php in WordPress]]
--> [[How to delete mail queue in Postfix]]
--> [[Top Command Line Games - Linux CLI Games]] <sub>Cause Linux can be fun</sub>
--> [[Centos Oneliners]]
--> [[Bash Script to Check Memory with Email Alert when Low]]
--> [[Bash Script to Check Site Code Status with Email Alert]]

Revision as of 04:04, 14 August 2024

Welcome to Ramblings of a Centos Ninja

Centos How-Tos

Centos 7

--> Install Remi and EPEL yum repo Centos 7
--> Install Mysql Database Centos 7
--> Install Apache Web Server Centos 7
--> Install PHP/PHP-FPM 5.4 Centos 7
--> Install (LAMP) Linux Apache MySQL and PHP Centos 7
--> Install Redis on Centos 7 How To
--> How To Configure SWAP on Centos 7 
--> How to find user memory usage in linux
--> How to Configure letsencrypt with Apache on Centos 7 Server
--> How to configure Gmail as a Mail Relay with Postfix
--> How use GeoIP on the command line Centos7
--> Protecting Folders with .htpasswd/.htaccess
--> Linux setfacl command
--> How to disable SSH timeout  New.jpg
--> How to Install Squid Proxy Server on Cento7  New.jpg
--> How To Use Systemctl to Manage Systemd Services

Centos 6

--> Change Runlevel
--> Check Current Runlevel
--> Change Run Level at Bootup
--> How to change the Hostname on Centos
--> chkconfig settings
--> How to extract a tar.gz file
--> Install SIM - System Integrity Monitor
--> Use Bash on a Non Bash User
--> Quit Bash Shell without Saving Bash History
--> Change the Timezone Centos
--> Check the Version of Package
--> How to install Sphinx on Centos Server
--> How to install Redis on a Centos 6.4 Server
--> Basic Redis commands - Cheat Sheet
--> Adding a New Disk Drive with Centos
--> Creating Backups using rsync with Examples
--> Expand your bash_history to 2500
--> Setup logrotate to rotate your logs
--> GPG: Encrypt And Decrypt Files With A Password
--> Install Remi and EPEL yum repo 
--> Install NewRelic on Centos6
--> Setting Up An NFS Server And Client On CentOS 6
--> Sar is not working how to restart
--> Batch jpeg Image Optimization
--> Howto Block or Open HTTP/HTTPs Ports IPTables
--> Reset Root Password in CentOS
--> Setup vsftp with SELinux
--> Howto Setup NTP on CentOS
--> Fix corrupted RPM database
--> Crontab Usage
--> Make an ISO from a Folder with mkisofs
--> How to setup a VPN server with CentOS PPTPD
--> APF Firewall -Advanced Policy Firewall - Basics
--> How to Block Bittorrent Traffic with IPtables
--> How to find user memory usage in linux
--> How to install ccsrch on Centos 6
--> How to install jpegoptim for CentOS
--> How to install optipng for CentOS
--> How to install gifsicle for CentOS
--> How to install jpegtran for CentOS
--> IPTABLES quick command list
--> Linux setfacl command
--> Postfix Mail Queue Commands for Reviewing Emails
Magento How To's

Magento Community Edition/Magento Enterprise Edition

--> What is Magento?
--> Clear Magento Cache
--> Disable Magento Modules
--> Turn on Manual Indexing
--> How to Reset Magento Password
--> How to Create Users in Mageento
--> Enable Mysql Slow Query Logging
--> Magento Connect is not Working
--> Magento will NOT save my Product Updates
--> Magento Internal Cron not Running
--> Setting up the System Cron Job
--> Magento Connect is not Working
--> Changing the Minimum Search Query - MySQL Full Text Only
--> Install Redis Caching for Magento
--> Install Redis Full Page Caching for Magento Enterprise
--> Setting up a Second Instance of Redis
--> Magento Setup Return-Path Email
--> Magento Server Compatibility Check
--> Magento Database Optimization - Log Cleaning Script
--> Magento Site Performance Optimization 
--> Magento Log Rotate with logrotate
--> How to use CDN with Webfonts with Magento 
--> How to Disable Magento Newsletter Module
--> Magento : Execute Custom Module Cron Manually
Magento2 How To's

Magento 2 Community Edition

--> Upgrade Magento2 via CLI
--> Enable/Disable Magento2 Maintenance Page
--> How to set Magento 2 permissions and avoid installation errors
--> How to speed up Magento 2 out of the box
--> How to Change Magento 2 mode
--> How to Enable Disable Magento 2 caches
--> Magento 2 How to Add Alternative HTTP headers
--> Magento 2 Purge Varnish Cache
--> Magento 2 Redis Page Cache and Default Cache Example
--> Magento 2 How to check Magento Version
--> Magento 2 Reindex Error: Index is locked by another reindex process. Skipping
--> Magento 2 Reindex via the CLI
--> Magento 2 Custom 503 Maintenance page
Memcache Caching

Memcached Server

--> Memcached Monitor Tool
--> Setup Multi Instance Memcache
--> Check if Memcached is Running
--> Flush Your Memcached Instance
--> Check Memory Usage of Memcached
--> Memcache running out of Memory?
--> Memcached List all Keys
Apache How Tos


--> Deny access to my site with an .htaccess file
--> Redirect site to www or non www
--> Restrict POST request to Website
--> Install Tomcat6 Server on Centos 6
--> How to setup an SSL Certificate for Free
--> Enable Apache to Create Core Dumps
--> Enable php-fpm to create core dumps
--> Debug PHP Enabling slow_log 
--> Block Bots by User Agent String
--> Install mod_extact_forward - Show Real IP behind Proxy
--> Install ionCube Loaders for Centos
--> Install Zend Guard with PHP 5.3 on Centos
--> Install Zend Guard 6.0 with PHP 5.4 on Centos
--> Disable Mod_Security for a single vhost
--> Hide PHP Version(X-Powered-By) in Headers
--> Sessions are ending before MaxLifetime
--> Apache mod_speling case insensitive urls issue
--> Restrict access via htaccess via ipaddress
--> Howto install mod_evasive with fail2ban
--> Install the Latest version PHP on CentOS
--> How to bypass .htpasswd for certain IPs Apache
--> Clear mod_pagespeed cache 
--> Install GeoIP for Apache and PHP
--> How to block or allow countries using GeoIP and .htaccess
--> How to disable mod_security per vhost
--> Force HTTPS for entire website via htaccess
--> Restrict Access to wp-login.php and xmlrpc.php
--> The X-Frame-Options response header
--> Install Xdebug with php-fpm per pool
--> How to Enable Gzip Compression
--> Enable Apache rewrite logging
--> Protecting Folders with .htpasswd/.htaccess
--> How to Disable PHP Execution in Certain Directories
--> Directory listing in htaccess. Allow, Deny, Disable, Enable Directory Listing in .htaccess
--> What is the Cache-Control Header
--> How do I block a host by ASN for apache - Example
Mysql Percona


--> What is HAProxy
--> HAProxy vs Nginx
--> HAProxy Load Balancing
--> HAProxy Cluster Setup Example
--> HAProxy Docker
--> HAProxy with Varnish SSL Termination Example
--> HAProxy http2
--> HAProxy GUI
--> HAProxy Install on Centos7
--> HAProxy Cloud Load Balancer
--> HAProxy Block by User-Agent
--> HAProxy Restrict by IP Address
--> HAProxy Redirect domain to another domain
--> HAProxy Rate-Limiting Example
Mysql Percona


--> How to Optimize/Repair a Table
--> MySQL - Check Which Query is Consuming Resources
--> How to Set your MySQL Password
--> Rest your MySQL Admin Password
--> How to Convert Table to InnoDB 
--> How to install Percona Database Server
--> How to Access the MySQL via Shell
--> How to Add a User in MySQL
--> How to Drop a User in MySQL
--> How to Create and Delete a MySQL Database
--> How to Create a Table in MySQL Database
--> How to Create a MySQL Database Backup
--> How to Import a MySQL Database
--> How to update the max_connections setting in MySQL
--> How to view a list of MySQL users and their privileges
--> Save MySQL query results into a text or CSV file
--> How to optimize a MySQL database using phpMyAdmin
--> How to solve MySQL max_user_connections error
--> How to enable Show Engine Innodb Status
--> Access mysql/mysqldump without password entry each time - Using .my.cnf
Varnish How tos

Varnish Cache

--> Setup Varnish Cache
--> Setup Varnish for Magento
--> Setup Varnish for Wordpress
--> Setup Varnish for MediaWiki
--> Setup Varnish - Multiple Domains
--> Setup Varnish - Multiple Ipaddress
--> Script to Clear a Page from Varnish Cache
--> Varnish will not restart WHY?
--> Warm up Varnish Script using Sitemap.xml
--> Varnish How to redirect non-www URLs to www
--> Install libvmod-header with Varnish
Nginx How tos

Nginx Web Server

--> Setup Nginx PHP FPM Percona Mysql
--> Wordpress Ngnix Rewrite Rules
--> Setup up Nginx Caching
--> Nginx Magento vhost Configuration
--> Basic HTTP Authentication with Nginx
--> Protecting Folders with Nginx
--> 403 Forbidden Error Nginx - How to Solve
Brian Nelson


--> How to add trusted root certificates
--> Find:_10_Useful_Examples_of_Find
--> Send email from PHP to a log file instead of sendmail
--> Debugging Wordpress
--> How to install Linux via USB
--> Network Subnet Mask Cheat Sheet
--> Linux Keyboard Shortcuts
--> Setup a SSH Tunnel for Secure Browsing
--> Install OpenSSH on Windows
--> Install Qmail on a Fresh Centos Server
--> Setup Qmail to Listen on port 587 for SMTP
--> Qmail catch-all account with vpopmail
--> Setup Incoming Email Pipe to Script for Qmail
--> Qmail Control Files
--> Install qmqtool for Qmail on Centos Server
--> Rest Email Password for vpopmail
--> How to check Used IP on your Home Network
--> How to find GMAIL IPs to allow at Firewall
--> Useful TCPDUMP commands
--> Remove Email Block Lists
--> How to disable qmail vpopmail email user 
--> Git Cheat Sheet - Git made easy
--> Top Chmod Command Examples for Beginners
--> Benchmarking and Load Testing with Siege
--> Benchmarking and Load Testing with Apache Bench(AB)
--> How do I find out more about socket files in /proc/fd
--> How to Disable the wp-cron.php in WordPress
--> How to delete mail queue in Postfix
--> Top Command Line Games - Linux CLI Games Cause Linux can be fun
--> Centos Oneliners
--> Bash Script to Check Memory with Email Alert when Low
--> Bash Script to Check Site Code Status with Email Alert