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Magento Community Edition/Magento Enterprise Edition

--> What is Magento?
--> Clear Magento Cache
--> Disable Magento Modules
--> Turn on Manual Indexing
--> How to Reset Magento Password
--> How to Create Users in Mageento
--> Enable Mysql Slow Query Logging
--> Magento Connect is not Working
--> Magento will NOT save my Product Updates
--> Magento Internal Cron not Running
--> Setting up the System Cron Job
--> Magento Connect is not Working
--> Changing the Minimum Search Query - MySQL Full Text Only
--> Install Redis Caching for Magento
--> Install Redis Full Page Caching for Magento Enterprise
--> Setting up a Second Instance of Redis

Magento has been picking up a lot of attention recently, and some retailers may be wondering, What is Magento?

Magento is a feature-rich, professional open-source ecommerce solution that offers merchants complete flexibility and control over the look, content and functionality of their online store. Magento’s intuitive administration interface contains powerful marketing, merchandising and content management tools to give merchants the power to create sites that are tailored to their unique business needs, putting no constraints on business processes and flow. When Magento was released in 2007, it transformed the ecommerce platform market. In a period of 18 months, Magento surpassed one million downloads and now records billions of dollars of transactions worldwide by tens of thousands of merchants. Purchased by eBay in early 2011, it continues to be the fastest growing ecommerce platform in the world.

Magento is written in PHP and utilises the Zend Framework (which is MVC based) and uses an EAV-based MySQL database. The system is highly modular and Magento’s architecture handles module database schema updates automatically.