Basic Redis commands - Cheat Sheet
- 1 Basic Redis commands - Cheat Sheet
- 1.1 Accessing Redis
- 1.2 Scripting Redis Commands
- 1.3 Server Statistics
- 1.4 Changing Runtime Configuration
- 1.5 Multiple Databases
- 1.6 Dropping Databases
- 1.7 Checking for Replication
- 1.8 Enabling Replication
- 1.9 Dump Database Backup
- 1.10 Listing Connections
- 1.11 Monitoring Traffic
- 1.12 Checking for Keys
Basic Redis commands - Cheat Sheet
When you encounter a Redis instance and you quickly want to learn about the setup you just need a few simple commands to peak into the setup. Of course it doesn't hurt to look at the official full command documentation, but below is a listing just for sysadmins.
Accessing Redis
First thing to know is that you can use "telnet" (usually on default port 6397)
telnet localhost 6397
or the Redis CLI client
to connect to Redis. The advantage of redis-cli is that you have a help interface and command line history.
Scripting Redis Commands
For scripting just pass commands to "redis-cli". For example:
$ redis-cli INFO | grep connected connected_clients:2 connected_slaves:0 $
Server Statistics
The statistics command is "INFO" and will give you an output as following:
$ redis-cli INFO redis_version:2.2.12 redis_git_sha1:00000000 redis_git_dirty:0 arch_bits:64 multiplexing_api:epoll process_id:8353 uptime_in_seconds:2592232 uptime_in_days:30 lru_clock:809325 used_cpu_sys:199.20 used_cpu_user:309.26 used_cpu_sys_children:12.04 used_cpu_user_children:1.47 connected_clients:2 connected_slaves:0 client_longest_output_list:0 client_biggest_input_buf:0 blocked_clients:0 used_memory:6596112 used_memory_human:6.29M used_memory_rss:17571840 mem_fragmentation_ratio:2.66 use_tcmalloc:0 loading:0 aof_enabled:0 changes_since_last_save:0 bgsave_in_progress:0 last_save_time:1371241671 bgrewriteaof_in_progress:0 total_connections_received:118 total_commands_processed:1091 expired_keys:441 evicted_keys:0 keyspace_hits:6 keyspace_misses:1070 hash_max_zipmap_entries:512 hash_max_zipmap_value:64 pubsub_channels:0 pubsub_patterns:0 vm_enabled:0 role:master db0:keys=91,expires=88
Changing Runtime Configuration
The command
gives you a list of all active configuration variables you can change. The output might look like this:
redis> CONFIG GET * 1) "dir" 2) "/var/lib/redis" 3) "dbfilename" 4) "dump.rdb" 5) "requirepass" 6) (nil) 7) "masterauth" 8) (nil) 9) "maxmemory" 10) "0" 11) "maxmemory-policy" 12) "volatile-lru" 13) "maxmemory-samples" 14) "3" 15) "timeout" 16) "300" 17) "appendonly" 18) "no" 19) "no-appendfsync-on-rewrite" 20) "no" 21) "appendfsync" 22) "everysec" 23) "save" 24) "900 1 300 10 60 10000" 25) "slave-serve-stale-data" 26) "yes" 27) "hash-max-zipmap-entries" 28) "512" 29) "hash-max-zipmap-value" 30) "64" 31) "list-max-ziplist-entries" 32) "512" 33) "list-max-ziplist-value" 34) "64" 35) "set-max-intset-entries" 36) "512" 37) "slowlog-log-slower-than" 38) "10000" 39) "slowlog-max-len" 40) "64"
Note that keys and values are alternating and you can change each key by issuing a "CONFIG SET" command like:
CONFIG SET timeout 900
Such a change will be effective instantly. When changing values consider also updating the redis configuration file.
Multiple Databases
Redis has a concept of separated namespaces called "databases". You can select the database number you want to use with "SELECT". By default the database with index 0 is used. So issuing
redis> SELECT 1 OK redis[1]>
switches to the second database. Note how the prompt changed and now has a "[1]" to indicate the database selection.
To find out how many databases there are you might want to run redis-cli from the shell:
$ redis-cli INFO | grep ^db db0:keys=91,expires=88 db1:keys=1,expires=0
Dropping Databases
To drop the currently selected database run
to drop all databases at once run
Checking for Replication
To see if the instance is a replication slave or master issue
redis> INFO [...] role:master
and watch for the "role" line which shows either "master" or "slave".
Starting with version 2.8 the "INFO" command also gives you per slave replication status looking like this
Enabling Replication
If you quickly need to set up replication just issue
SLAVEOF <IP> <port>
on a machine that you want to become slave of the given IP. It will immediately get values from the master. Note that this instance will still be writable. If you want it to be read-only change the redis config file (only available in most recent version, e.g. not on Debian).
To revert the slave setting run
Dump Database Backup
As Redis allows RDB database dumps in background, you can issue a dump at any time. Just run:
When running this command Redis will fork and the new process will dump into the "dbfilename" configured in the Redis configuration without the original process being blocked. Of course the fork itself might cause an interruption.
Use "LASTSAVE" to check when the dump file was last updated. For a simple backup solution just backup the dump file.
If you need a synchronous save run "SAVE" instead of "BGSAVE".
Listing Connections
Starting with version 2.4 you can list connections with
and you can terminate connections with
Monitoring Traffic
The propably most useful command compared to memcached where you need to trace network traffic is the "MONITOR" command which will dump incoming commands in real time.
redis> MONITOR OK 1371241093.375324 "monitor" 1371241109.735725 "keys" "*" 1371241152.344504 "set" "testkey" "1" 1371241165.169184 "get" "testkey"
Checking for Keys
If you want to know if an instance has a key or keys matching some pattern use "KEYS" instead of "GET" to get an overview.
redis> KEYS test* 1) "testkey2" 2) "testkey3" 3) "testkey"
On production servers use "KEYS" with care as you can limit it and it will cause a full scan of all keys!